To the friends and family of Doug Cloward

Saturday, April 26, Doug was admitted to the hospital for a severe case of pneumonia. Later he was diagnosed with mantel cell lymphoma leukemia.

We have been receiving many emails and phone calls expressing love and prayers in behalf of Doug. We have set up this blog for updates on Doug's progress. Thank you all for your overwhelming support and care!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Because Freedom Isn't Free

It is the season of parades, fireworks, family picnic, a three-day weekend and great sales for local merchants. And what is the reason for the season? Oh yes, it is the 4th of July.

I’ll bet that your family, like my family, made the priority to gather and feast and celebrate. But what will we celebrate, besides being together? Did we take the time to remind our children and grandchildren of the great inspired founding fathers struggle to birth this nation of freedoms they so much wanted and that we may take so much for granted? Did we remind them of our love and loyalty to our great nation. Did we build their understanding of the heavy price our ancestors paid and that our military continue to pay for the luxury for us to sleep at night unafraid and safe. In our celebrating, did we enumerate and celebrate each of the grand freedoms of the the bill of rights? Did we celebrate and build upon their understanding of their national heritage? Did we remember and celebrate the reason for the season?

As I sat with my children and grandchildren around the campfire and sang the songs of patriotism and freedom, I remembered. As we expressed our love of country and prayed for the the safety and welfare of those who are not with their families this 4th of July, I was reminded. We, Heritage Makers, have a grand and important role to play in preserving our nation’s heritage – one family at a time, starting with our own. With so much media focus on what is wrong with government, I wonder if we see in the mirror of reality that what is wrong with America is centered in the homes of Americans, not in the seat of government. I fear that parents grumping and lack of grateful comment on being an American largely has caused the loss of the strength of our country – the faith and commitment of its citizens. It is so easy to place the blame on politicians for fading freedoms, that we forget who put them there and sustains them, or not. Do our children know how we feel about our country? What do they know? The answer is what they hear us say day-to-day and what we share with them heart–to-heart, and bedtime story-to-story.

What storybook have we written and read to our children and grandchildren that defines what it means to be an American, or Canadian? Have we done enough to celebrate the sacrifices of service of our grandparents and great grandparents in the military and wars of the past and of fathers, brothers, uncles, friends and countrymen who serve now?

Do we realize the power, the priority and the principle of our national heritage? And do we realize the price we will pay if we fail to remember and build a national heritage within the weave of our family heritage? We must realize and remember--that which we fail to remember and to celebrate--soon fades. Freedom without celebration is patriotism lost. Children without celebration of national heritage are patriots lost.

This is a year of deciding and setting the stage for so much serious consequence for our future, Americans and Canadians - families. No, I am not referring to the coming political jostling and rhetoric we will be bombarded with over the next several months. I am referring to this being the year that all heritage makers place their votes for the freedom and the national heritage in the voting box of the minds of our children.

We can campaign and vote for freedom with storybooks and celebrations that focus our children and families on the principles and the values that make our families and our nation great. Let us teach them, with the tremendous power of our stories, about the real strength of a, our nation. Lets teach them the principles of freedom and the responsibilities of free men and women. Let teach them throughout the remainder of the election process as it sets the stage for meaningful conversations and family discussions about why we support who we support and about why and how we vote for the candidates whom we feel will best represent our principles and freedoms.

Please, let's be freedom makers, as well as heritage makers. Perhaps we should begin by considering that it is one of our greatest freedoms to be able to be heritage makers. Let us not forget, that we might not lose by neglect or apathy. Rather, let's become known for the contribution we are to freedom, patriotism and strong families who carry the pledge and the flag proudly and responsibly and who have effectively integrated nation and family heritage.

Onward and upward.



Burt Family said...

Thank you for these words Doug. They truly are inspiring to read. Living out of the country for the past few July 4th's has made me appreciate the reason we celebrate. Here in St.Kitts the 4th was declared a national holiday but it was because of a cricket match being played that day. My girls thought it was pretty cool the country would have a holiday for us Americans. We had to explain to them that wasn't the case but that we would still celebrate and be thankful for those who gave us our freedom...afterall we might not have been able to move to another country for school if not.

Shirley Lee said...

Being a Veteran of the Navy, I have strong feelings about patriotism and how so many people complain about the state of our country. Our GREAT country which allows us so many freedoms. I am going to absorb your words as a Heritage Maker to help families show their kids what a great country this is, I love your constant vision and direction. Thank you, Doug - you are amazing.

Becky said...


I absolutely love coming here and reading your wisdom. I feel inspired and grateful everytime I visit here. I learn so much and am in awe of your deep mind. Thank you for taking the time to not only update us on you and your family, but taking the time to teach us and guide us to those "Ah Ha" moments in our lifes. You are the greatest teacher I have ever known, you live in a state of awareness that I am striving to obtain. Thank you for your insites on life.

Becky Evans

Brenda Kruse, AD-RITR said...

Amen to that! Patriotism isn't just about flying a flag. It's about the people who helped ensure the freedom it represents. My grandpa was a patriotic hero after enduring 8 months as a POW in France & Germany in WWII. We always celebrated traditional patriotic holidays of Memorial Day & July 4th as well as May 2nd, his liberation day!

I recently finished his storybook about his lifelong dedication to this country and our family. He died in 2000, just days after his entire family had been home to celebrate the 4th. We were all back again this year to remember him through the pages of his tribute storybook. Priceless. My profile pic is me with my Grandma Shirley showing off the book we displayed for all to see during our hometown's big Quasquicentennial Celebration over July 4th.

Doug, thanks for making us think beyond the fireworks & hot dogs of this holiday. It's so much more. Honor a military hero in your past or present by publishing a book about their service.

God bless! Brenda Kruse

Lisa Klipfel, M.A., MFT said...

As we go international, oh how we will cherish the right to free speech and the avenue that HM allows us to express ourselves.

I just want to say how much I love HM and the Cloward family! Today especiall, I have to say...Brytt you rock! I am always amazed by the integrity of this company and the caring nature of concern for all.

I thought of your family often in the last 3 weeks, as my family has been ill since school's been out. Luckily, they are all well now and I'm putting my racing shoes back on.

Lisa Klipfel