To the friends and family of Doug Cloward

Saturday, April 26, Doug was admitted to the hospital for a severe case of pneumonia. Later he was diagnosed with mantel cell lymphoma leukemia.

We have been receiving many emails and phone calls expressing love and prayers in behalf of Doug. We have set up this blog for updates on Doug's progress. Thank you all for your overwhelming support and care!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Now is the Time - Your Time - You, yes you, are in my thoughts today

Greetings! Of all the many things that are racing through my mind, life and heart that I could share today, I am moved to write about you. You? Yes, you. You who have had the interest in me and my thoughts to log in, this posting is for you--whether you are a member of my family, my heritage family or someone I have not yet had the great privilege to meet.

If you are reading this blog, this post is because my thoughts were on you. Many of you I know by name and by heart, others by reputation and comment, but all of you I know by your interest, faith and good will to me, my family and our shared vision of creating and supporting heritage makers in the homes throughout the world. You are likely here, reading this posting, because we share a mission of strengthening families and homes through the power of the stories of the events, traditions, values and heroes that make up their heritage.

Knowing this about you gives me the right and perhaps the responsibility to declare that this blog is for you. While I don't know if that is one or one hundred, I hope and pray that these thoughts will strengthen our connection and your resolve to the service and work of heritage making in your own family, team and community.

In these days of growing uncertainty in the world with so many voices and so many unsettling possibilities, there are likely many storms on the horizon. These are the days that challenge and try the hearts of men and women, moms and dads. These are the days we instinctfully search the horizon for safe haven from the storms. There are few constants that we can look to to find anchorage and safe harboring for our families. But there are safe harbors and safe principles and there are communities of refuge and there are paths of safety and there are leaders who know and can guide you on those paths. It is a gentle reminder of what, where and who these constants, harbors, principles, communities, paths and leaders are that I make the subject of my post to YOU today.

First, the constants I know are even firm and true and upon which we can tether our life and confidence in weathering the storms - well and secure. The first constant is that God lives and is a loving and understanding Father who knows you and me, His children and is powerful to save us and guide us when we turn to Him. This I know is true - He is constant and dependable. Next, His son, our Savior, is real. He lives and He knows the end from the beginning and is certain of the times and the challenges of our lives - your life, your family, your trials and your hopes and needs. He is there and He is approachable to all who will, in simple faith, believe that He is. We can speak to and with Him and He will answer in calming assurance and peace and will direct us specifically through His word (the scriptures and the Holy Spirit's promptings). This I know and testify is true - it is true.

Although it seems that the world is on a reckless runaway course with crazy people in powerful positions doing selfish, sinful, unthinkable things, yet HE, the God and Father of us all, is in perfect control knowing the beginning from the end. While He allows all men their agency and power in the day of their glory, yet in and through it all, He works His perfect work of bringing those who will come unto Him to ultimate safety, security, peace and happiness. Be assured by this man's testimony that this is true. He is the anchor you can rest fully assured for safety from the storms that He has warned us must come.

I also know that He is moving, not hiding, not resting, not waiting; He is moving in His preparations for His return to draw men, women, families to Him. Those who are not blinded by the craftiness of men and media and dogma and selfishness can see His hand and His people and His voice through His word and His servants as He keeps His promises to restore all things and complete every jot and tittle His prophets have spoken. This I know with absolute confidence. We are where we are in the history of His great plan of life for His children at a most wonderful, exciting and challenging time. We are so blessed to live in the here and now.

Though we each struggle under the burdens of our own heavy loads and trials, yet the blessing of living here and now with the blessings of knowing He lives and loves and is coming is incredible. Let us never loose sight of that fact, knowledge and comfort. Though we may momentarily take our eyes off of Him and the plan of happiness He has given us, yet we must remember where and how to turn back to Him in a moments notice when we need to set our anchor.

Now, as to safe principles - I have found that there are several critically important principles that will increase our sense of security, support and peace, especially during the trying times ahead. The first principle is that of obedience to eternal law. Eternal laws are the truths upon which the universe operates. They are constants and obedience to them will render absolute predictable results. The harvest of the results can sometimes vary, but the harvest is sure. These laws include the law of the harvest itself. That is, we will reap what we sow. That is, all seed returns to the sower pressed down and running over. Therefore, we should sow only good seed, the seeds that we want to be returned to us. Seeds of faith and trust, seeds of forgiveness and love, seeds of patience and forbearance, seeds of integrity and truth. IT is such a simple principle, but what a difference it makes in life generally and so importantly as we move into times of more uncertainty.

Another principle is the principle of work. The laborer is worthy of his hire when he/she works. This, too, is connected to the principle of the harvest. Eternity keeps a perfect balance and all accounts come due and are paid in full measure to the merit of the labor performed. We have all seen people who think that they are working, but in close review we discover they are more often "talking" about working rather than really working. In terms of payment for talk, well you know the saying "talk is cheap" and so is its reward. Those who will be most secure during the coming challenges are those who know what to do, how to do it and then go to it and WORK. If you are going to talk, make sure you are talking about the joy of the work and its rewards and the security it produces, but don't just talk about it - WORK.

Another vital principle is the principle of self-reliance and frugality. We are living in a time when so many seem to think he or she needs to respond to every marketing ploy to buy and have all the cars, toys, clothes and things that life can offer. So many couples succumb to the enticings of debt-burdened homes, furnishings and trappings, they feel that they "deserve" the good life, even if they can't pay for it yet. They extend themselves far beyond reasonable ability to repay the leverage on their paycheck and credit cards. These chickens are even now coming home to roost and are finding that the roost is ruined and so are the lives of families who have violated the principle or prudent self-reliance. Debt is a merciless taskmaster. He can and will pull you from any safe harbor and from the grasp of all security. Get out and stay out of debt is the message and principle we should speak, live and bake into our heritage.

Another principle upon which we can build our trust is the principle of enduring to the end. We see so many who put their hands to the plow - the plow of commitments, relationships, contracts, marriage and yes, consultantships, only to let go prematurely, before the job is done or the goal achieved or the book published, or the child raised, or the life and love matured and rewarded. Yet we also see the more rare, but inspiring examples of those who know and trust this principle and receive the rewards of success, happiness and power. I would hope and pray that every reader of this posting would evaluate their willingness to make and keep commitments, that they will endure to the end and receive the reward of their hopes and goals. By enduring to the end, you will bring your family with confidence into safe harbor. Chart your course, tell them where you are going and then stay on course, at the helm. Make and keep your commitments -- endure to the end.

The safe communities that you can be a part of during the troubling times are those who share your heritage, your family, church and your Heritage Makers team. Those like-minded and committed people with whom you associate can be communities of refuge and will strengthen your foundations and resolve to not only weather the storm, but to fully ride it out, to harness its furry to your advantage and success. Your association, conversation and shared convictions are what make the walls of the community strong and secure. They are the people and the places where you can rest assured that you are supported and secure. Build and expand the communities of your heritage.

As for the paths that lead to security in troubled times - they do exist. Interestingly, the path of direct selling has long been found to be a path leading to solution to the tight and troubled times of previous economic downturns. Why? Two reasons. First, people stop overbuying the more frivolous big things that create debt because they have less discretionary money to spend, but they are willing to spend it on more meaningful significant investments at lower costs. Heritage Makers products and services are a perfect fit to people looking for simple joy and value in times of tighter wallets.

Second, in tight times more people consider the opportunities for extra income to ease the budget and to restore a little more discretionary spending ability. Tight times also change careers with layoffs, downturns and slowdowns. There are more who are looking for options to the uncertainty of the time clock, the boss, the economy and who are considering a new need to enter the workplace. The realities of the Heritage Makers no previous experience, time flexibility, home-based work place, no inventory to invest in or manage, a simple you-do, you-get reward system that is predictable and virtually unlimited all shine brightly in contrast to the help wanted listings and options. Tough times are the beginning of good times for direct selling companies that offer real solutions and values to end consumers and who are looking for feel good, wise investments in things that matter and opportunities that open doors of possibilities. That is, if they know where these paths are, if there is someone to lead them to the path. This brings us to the issue of leaders.

These are indeed the times that try mens souls and they are the times that make real leaders. These are the times when the wise and prudent men and women see opportunity, not adversity. They see exciting openings in possibilities that can accelerate their success. They truly see that from the tough times come the great times. For those who are watchful, fearless and faithful, apply the principles and the promises that define and make leaders. These are the days that will make YOU, my friend and reader, the leader I know you know you can and should be. These are the days when all eyes are on you to see what trail you will walk through the storm, what principles you will live by, what faith in the reality of the ultimate plan of life you adhere to and testify of in how you live, love and serve in your family, your community and your heritage team.

NOW, not tomorrow, not next week or month or year, NOW they are looking to YOU. What you do today, in August, September and through the Fall will be vital to your success. As the shoes of our time continue to drop and the uncertainty of the world, its politics, its wars, its economy and its selfishness continue to pound the TV, the papers and the communication, people will be looking for answers. Now is when your words, voice, actions and commitment to things that really matter and your message of heritage in the making and Heritage Makers will make the difference for many who are watching you and waiting for you to speak out. Now is the time for you to unveil and unleash your passion, faith and trust in your commitment to being a Heritage Maker in your home and your community. Now is the time to step into real leadership.

These are the thoughts of my heart for YOU who have come to know and read them. I know, more than I may be able to convey, that now is the time, YOUR TIME.

Onward and upward,
Love Doug


Jinger said...

Dad, once again I am inspired by your words. The neat thing about this post is that you are a living example of each of those principles you outlined--you work hard, you endure to the end, and you have planted good seeds evident by all the lives around you who have been blessed by your example. I love you so much and can't wait to spend time with you. Thank you for taking the time today to follow your prompting and writing the words you did. I love you! Nyks

Unknown said...


I agree with Nykki! You lead by example, and what a great example that is to all of us.

I too know that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and Savior. He knows us intimately. He knows us deeply. He knows what and who we promised we would become. And more importantly, He knows how to help us accomplish our prior commitments. He makes all darkness flee and leaves only the illuming/enlightening power of his love—left to fill all space, all life. He is the source of all faith and the spring of light filled hope.

Our Father in Heaven loves us very much--loves me very much! No one can doubt His great love when they see the man He blessed me with as my earthly father.

I love you too Dad.

Lena said...

My heartfelt thanks for your words today. I am one that needed to read and receive your words of wisdom. Thank you for being once again an answer to my prayers. I will daily be rereading your words so they may sink more deeply into the fleshy parts of my heart and soul.
With love,

Lisa said...


Thank you so much for your inspiring words! I know and agree that this is our time, our time as leaders, our time to help the world in this struggled economy. HM can help families, women, all people young and old. I love what we will be able to do - i feel the rewards everyday. Thank you again for all that you do for us, all that you write on your blog - it touches us more that you know.

Love, Lisa

Diane said...

Thank you, Doug, for all your posts, even as you must feel terrible! Your example of staying focused, not only on the urgent things, but more importantly on the important things, is a strong message. Thank you for the post for us -- for me. I do take your words to heart, and I do appreciae them. Take care, get better, and know that we will do our part!
