Yes, it has been too long since my last post. And so many things have occurred. It seems like life is ever changing in challenge, opportunity and priority. So, here is the short of the last five weeks.
Prior to our National Convention, Reunion, in Anaheim, my blood levels were way low and I had to go on daily Nupigen shots to try and boost my white counts up to where I was out of the Neutripenic range (no immunity). As a blessing, the counts came up and I was able to go with Judy and the rest of the HM team to the convention. I was so grateful to see so many of our HM friends there. The meetings and training were great.
When I returned, I went back to the Oncologist. He did a bone marrow biopsy to check for the Lymphoma, assuming that the delay in white cell rebound was due to lingering cancer in the marrow. The results and the PET scan confirmed, at least at that date, that I was in consolidation (clinical remission). Yes, we celebrated, but know that usually the disease revisits within two years or less.
As of Tuesday's check up, the blood levels again had dropped to the bottom, so next week it will be another bone marrow draw and test to see if they can figure anything out. Such is the life of a survivor who is committed to living fully until the job is done. Yep, it's clear to me I need more time, so I will likely be around for a while yet to learn whatever this adventure has to teach me.
We are in the midst of strategic planning for the coming year. It seems we can't finish one event fast enough to start planning and arranging for the next year's (sometimes two years in advance) event.
As for thoughts and insights into life in general, might I just share with each of you how very much I have come to appreciate little things around me and the many acts of interest, concern, love and service of those around me, especially from and with my sweetheart.
Judy has always noticed the sunrises and sunsets and the myriad of God's little gifts of nature and she has tried to get me to take notice. I did, at a glance, but I had not given myself the joy of pausing to savor the sight, gift and moment - with her. That has changed and I hope I can fill the void of so many lost moments of not noticing with noticing more from here out.
Little things like actually sleeping, or sleeping a full night, or a little while without the paining twing of the shingles neuralgia, a glass of water, delivered to me by my loving spouse and daughter are in reality HUGE things. The constant checking on my status, feelings and needs - pampering, makes my life so very sweet and rich. Don't miss the opportunity to give and receive little acts of kindness - they are, in the final analysis of life, are the real jewels we will carry with us, or bemoan our failure to recognize and gather them while we had the chance.
So, where from here? Day-by-day, week-by-week I will strive to recognize the real priorities. Repent and change when errors are called to my attention and pursue with all my vigor and resources the eternal happiness of my family and the success of our business and business associates. It is all a great and grand adventure and I love it all - every bit of it.
So, till next entry or visit I wish you health and happiness.
Onward and upward,
Love Doug
To the friends and family of Doug Cloward
Saturday, April 26, Doug was admitted to the hospital for a severe case of pneumonia. Later he was diagnosed with mantel cell lymphoma leukemia.

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Thanks Doug for your continued notes and inspiration. I check here often to gleam your tidbits of advice and direction. May your health continue to improve and our lives be blessed with your wisdom!
Good to see a new post. I know you must be busy busy. It was so great to see you at convention. I hope you continue to get your strength up. Thank you for the wonderful Leadership book and the kind words you wrote. I will cherish it. I read it often and I am always inspired by something you have said.
Much love, Candy
I love you Doug. It was good to read another post.
The Spirit of Elijah oozes throughout this company because of the things that you and your family stand for. I am grateful that you/we have the blog to say what we need to say; I'm grateful that you/we have the blog to give your family more time with you and each other.
Thanks for letting me be part of this spiritual journey.
with love,
Hi Doug.. so good to see you at convention. I hope your using the oils and they are supporting the healing the within. Thanks for all your life giving words.
Blessings of healing,
jackie Heitmann
Hi Doug! Great to see a new message from you. I check often! Sometimes multiple times a day. Can you please let me know where I can send a card? I have had a card ready to send to you before Reunion and it never went out - OHH reunion was a blast. Thank you for making it such a great memory. Every year they just get better and better. I am soo happy to hear your health is improving - you are such an inspiration. Love you, - Lisa
Awesome to hear from you. WHat a joy to hear of your new challenges--capturing the gems around you--love love love to you and Judy, and Doug--use that brilliant noggin of yours--DON'T PUSH YOURSELF IN THE WRONG AREAS :)
Love KathyG
Nancy said it so well, the Spirit of Elijah does "ooze" through this marvelous company and what an eternal blessing for all generations to come... I love you Doug and your wonderful wife and family... never in my life would I know such love for the world could be given by one family... knowing each of you is like the writing of a story, like having repeated "hot chocolate moments"
May God give you just enough clouds to make a beautiful sunset!
Thanks for sharing so intimately with those who care so much for you.
Spirits up, Spirits high!
Our family continues to pray for you and your family. May you continue to be with us-you are the ROCK of Heritage Makers! Rob and I want to do another Southern Boil with you and Judy. This time we hope you might feel stronger and better. Let me know and I will arrange it! Talk soon.
Lena & Rob
Hola, stumbled on your blog not totally randomly, since we share the same last name. My name is Randy Cloward, from the Sanpete County branch of Clowards. Anyway, read a bit about your struggle and was moved to send a message of support from Lima Peru where i am at the moment. Seems Doug is surrounded by a lot of love. Lucky man.
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