To the friends and family of Doug Cloward

Saturday, April 26, Doug was admitted to the hospital for a severe case of pneumonia. Later he was diagnosed with mantel cell lymphoma leukemia.

We have been receiving many emails and phone calls expressing love and prayers in behalf of Doug. We have set up this blog for updates on Doug's progress. Thank you all for your overwhelming support and care!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Alive and Kicking!

Greetings again!

I am alive and kicking. I am trying to stay up with the constant prods, pricks, and tests and survive the onslaught of rubberized institutionalized rubber chicken, scrambled yellow something and dry toast. (You can tell I'm feeling much better focusing on the important things, like surviving hospital living!) For the moment I am still stuck in critical care with lots of attention, great nurses, capable doctors, and they are making progress hacking through the pneumonia and septic blood. We expect to break through and out of critical care today and onto the heights (7th floor) of oncology. They tell me there I will have to go through further cleansing to the degree of loss of all bodily hair and other functions to enable me to see the battle won against the infiltrating lymophocytes.

We continue to have significant success with the natives telling our stories, comparing family legacies, teaching about heritage and heritage making. We will undoubtedly leave more Heritage Makers among the natives to carry on the work of heritage making among those whose stories bring them here.

I'm able to continue working on the strategic aspects of the business and am looking forward to exciting developments and training at leadership and on to the ride of your life at Anaheim this Fall. Though my own my own ride between here and there is strategically less clear, I'm bound and determined to bring what's left of me to enjoy the adventure and comradery of the heritage-making family. I will keep you appraised of the progress and saga on the climb to oncology in the coming days.

Please forgive my inability to respond to you individually but the priority has to be to the constant alarms, nurses prods, pills, tests and bedpans. (What a contrast to Aspen Lodge!) Thankfully, I have the loving support of Judy, family and the home office staff to remind me that there is life beyond Utah Valley Medical Center. I also have the faith and love and support of the HM family, leaders, and consultants to spur me on to climb through this part of my story.

Onward and Upward!

Have a great heritage-making day!


Marshyl said...


It's great to see you up and doing what you love to do--inspiring, motivating, directing and motivating. Although we miss seeing the captain of this ship, we're certainly grateful for the ability to guide from afar.
I wanted to update you on CS. Lately we've been short handed. I've extended offers to 2 very capable and bright candidates, but their career desires led them elsewhere--sadly, they'll never know what they missed. On the bright side I am seeing results come in from all of the job posting updates and active recruitment. I have several resumes and interviews set up between now and Monday--with 2 interviewees today! If all goes well, CS will be back up to full capacity and the tidal wave of emails and calls will ebb sharply.
Granted it is the end of the month and the past week or so has been anything but normal. I'm amazed at the professionalism, dedication and caliber of our CS team members! They truly have a desire to help clients in whatever capacity they can. While they cannot please every situation, they are great listeners and always strive to come to solutions that are fair and helpful. Perhaps this is why we receive so many raves for our outstanding customer service. :)
I am also humbled and thankful for the overwhelming outpour of support, kind words, patience and concer that our clientbase--particularly our consultants--have shown toward our company and toward you. Truly you inspire and build real relationships and all are praying for and rooting for your prompt recovery and return.
Sure love and miss having you here.


Lisa Klipfel, M.A., MFT said...

We are all thinking of you in we get ready for Regionals without you. Ethel and Bertha say "Hi and God Bless", those are our scanners, y'know. And, at Dream Team you said, "Never let anything of a lower priority get in the way of something of a higher priority." We know that is your health and your family and your faith. So, don't worry about us, Southern California Regionals will be awesome (minus 1 degree without you). Focus your visions on good health, as I'm letting all my consultants they will have to wait until Reunion to meet you! I'm off to gather photos from a fire victim so Bertha can help her replenish the photos she lost in the fire.
Lisa Klipfel

Marshyl said...


Update on CS. Just hired a new employee. She will be starting Tuesday. I think she will be a great benefit to our team. Onward and upward!


Anonymous said...


I made you a card yesterday in our amazing 2.0--be on the watch for it! You are moving along much faster that I thought--hurray!

You know, bald is edgy, cool. Judy's going to love it!
Love KathyG

Bonnie Ella said...

Hey Doug....this is Bonnie Ella Jarvis Johnson your long but not lost cousin!!!! I am so sorry that you are sick! I had my bout with cancer and have survived 8 years. I did the chemo thing and lost all my hair...Hopefully you will get a nice cap to keep your head warm. Remember when we were kids and we were driving to Colonia Juarez with Grandpa? Remember that he hit a cow? You, Paul and I ended up on the floor in the back seat of the car!!! I will always remember that as Grandpa and your Mom roped the car together and we went on....
I love you Doug....
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
We live in Montana now...and am so ready for Spring to show! It snowed today....g-r-r-r
I love your grateful you are keeping us up to date.
My prayers are that you and your family are comforted by Him who knows your worries, hurts etc.
I know that you know also....
Love you Doug
Bonnie Ella

Peggy said...

Doug--If you want me to sneak you in a Big Mac, let me know. I'm up to the challenge!
Good luck as you continue to heal. My cute little 3 year old prayed for you tonight--it was a very sweet moment and I'm sure the prayers of children have a little more clout with The Big Guy. ;) Enjoy the rest while you have it!

Mindy, Tyler, and Kids said...

Hi Doug! My mom told me and my heart goes out to you! You and your family are in my prayers. I love you guys! You are a wonderful person!